Flag Football
We have leagues for 1st & 2nd Grade, 3rd & 4th Grade, and 5th & 6th grade. Games and practices run through the week in the Fall. 1st & 2nd grade is designed to get kids interested in football and learn basic rules of the game while having fun. 3rd & 4th Grade and 5th & 6th grade are more of a 7 on 7 format and is designed for kids to have fun while continuing to learn the game of football. 5th & 6th grade and 1st & 2nd grade will be Tuesdays and Thursdays and 3rd & 4th grade will be Mondays and Wednesdays. Signups have begun and run til August 11th. We will start practices the week of August 19th and games will start the first week of September.